Reality Entertainment

Alien Chronicles: Antarctic Worlds Below
Forbidden Knowledge: Forgotten Cities Lost in Time
Ancient Alien Origins: Science and Legend
Alien Agenda: Into the Future
Abigail's Castle: The Haunting of Featherstone Castle
Ancient Artifact Hunters
Aliens and the New World Order: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Ancient Origins: Extraordinary Evidence
Paranormal UK: UFOs, Cryptids & Hauntings
Ancient Giants of North America
Alien Chronicles: Invaders among us
Alien Abduction: The Strangest UFO Case Files
Alien Agenda: Planet Earth: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Alien Enigmas: UFOs On The Moon
Contact with Aliens: Abductions, Conspiracy and Deception
Aliens, Atlantis and the Illuminati: The New America
Paranormal Egypt: Pharaohs, Pyramids and Ancient Science
Dark Ops Exposed: ET Bases, Bioweapons and Mutants
Ancient Artifact Hunters
Alien Contact: Ancient Gods of Man
Alien Bases: Reptilians, Greys and Black Programs
Paranormal World: Aliens, UFOs, Cryptids and Ghostly Encounters
Ancient Origins: Mysterious Lost Worlds
Ancient Origins: Artifacts and Anomalies
Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
Nostradamus: Future Revelations and Prophecy
Alien and UFO Encounters: The Top 20
Alien Paradox: Legacy of the UFO
Alien Outer Space: UFOs on the Moon and Beyond 
Top 25 Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files Exposed
Demonic Aliens: UFOs from Inner Space
UFO: Paranormal Overlords
Aliens at Loch Ness
Occult Secret of the Universe
Holy Grail: Secrets and Bloodlines
Bible Chronicles: Holy Relics and Artifacts
100 Seconds to Midnight: Doomsday Clock
Conspiracy Machine
Bible Chronicles: The Lost Knowledge
Serial Killer Psyche: The Horror Within
Forbidden Knowledge: Strange Lost Lands
Alien Chronicles: USOs and Underwater Alien Bases
UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Top Ten Mysteries of Outer Space
Shadow People: Out of Darkness
Alien Chronicles: Moon, Mars and Antarctica Anomalies
Forbidden Knowledge: Legends of Atlantis Exposed
Alien Chronicles: What the President Doesn't Know
Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts
Real Magick
USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss
Navigating the Chaos
Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts, and Ancient Mysteries
Forbidden Knowledge: Lost Secrets of Egypt and the Ancients
Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex
Witches: Masters of Time and Space
Alien Chronicles: Inter Dimensional UFOs
Megalodon: Great White Godfather
Alien Encounters in Ancient Times
Anunnaki: Alien Gods from Nibiru
Stem Cell Revolution
Unlearning Hatred
Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth
Alien Artifacts: Pyramids, Monoliths, and Marvels
Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix
End Game: Technology
Enigmas of the Ancient World
All The President's Aliens
Knights Templar: Clandestine Rulers
Top 20 Nazi War Secrets
Space: Into the Great Beyond
Alien Deception: The Biggest Lie in History
Atlantis: The Future of Mankind
Alien Agenda
Alien Colony Earth: Human Harvest
Secret Societies: Illuminati
Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions
Alien Ancestors: The Gods of Man
Alien Worlds: Giants and Hybrids
Architecture of Oppression: Slave Planet Earth
Bible Secrets: The Forbidden Codes
Secret Societies: Controlling the Masses
Alien Future
Alien Armageddon
American Illuminati - The Final Countdown
Alien Dominion: Majestic 12
Ancient World Aliens
Alien Chronicles: Top UFO Encounters
Secret Societies: Occult Power
Alien Origins: Beings of Light
Elusive: Bigfoot Abroad
Death Valley Aliens
Empire Rise and Fall
Project Blue Book Exposed
Kingdom of Brunel
Alien Gods
Jumping Off
Yes, They are Controlling our Minds
Alien Mummies of Peru
Bible Conspiracies 2
Nostradamus Future Tense
Alien Contact
Area 51 Exposed
Bigfoot Girl
Cosmic Conspiracy
Aliens Down Under
Ancient World Exposed
Millennial Nation: The Lost Generation
Alien Artifacts: The Lost World
Transgender Nation
Legend of the Grail
Indistinguishable From Magic
Alien Moon
AI-The Final Countdown
Secrets of the Ancient World
Aliens Exposed
Cannabis Evolution
God's Super Collider
Alien Psychosis
A War Over Reality
American Illuminati 2
Alien Overlords
Social Media Apocalypse
Alien Messiah
Robot Planet
Humanity Insanity
Bible Prophecies
Monsoon Tide
Earth: Population Overload
An Artificial Reality
Donkeys and Elephants
Aliens at the Pentagon
Living Forever
Dark Forces: Shadow People
Sasquatch Hunters
Mind Control MKULTRA
2020 Nostradamus
Alien Contact: NASA Exposed 2
God Is Alive
Angels and Demons Are Real
Alien Implant
Tesla: Born In Light
3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs
A Christmas Carol
27 Alien Encounters
Agenda Illuminati
End Times, CA
Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil
Alien Global Threat
Alien Contact: Nazi UFOs
Alien Contact: NASA
Alien Mind Control
Alien Crash Retrievals
Aliens and Atlantis
Absolute Magick
Aliens and Pyramids
Alien Agenda Planet Earth
Abominations of Humanity
1984: The New World Order
Hitler’s Great Escape
Bigfoot in Europe
Blood Factor
10 GRAMS: Cocaine Wars
Ghost and Demon Children
English Royalty
End of the World
Phantom of the Opera
American Slice
Paranormal Prisons
Legend of Sasquatch
Death and Murder
Alien at Loch Ness
Jersey Devil
A Ripper in Canada
Ghosts at Sea
Alien Creatures from Beyond
Alien Creatures from Beyond
An Exorcism of Evil
America's Alien Invasion
Paranormal Rosslyn Chapel
Robert Wise: American Filmmaker
Martial Arts
Legend of the Goatman
The Lost Secret of Immortality
American Sasquatch Hunters
All American Horror
Alien Paranormal
Paranormal Occult
Energy Healing
New World Order
Kundalini Awakened
Alien Abduction
Aleister Crowley: Legend of the Beast
Jam Heavy Metal Guitar Series
Aliens and Crop Circles
Alien Crash at Roswell
Occult Magick
Haunted House
Angel Alien UFO Encounters
Alien Agenda
Point of Regret
The Rainbow Serpent
Ancient Alien Question
Ancient Astronauts V2
Paranormal Case Files V1
The Philadelphia Experiment Revealed
Conspiracies of the Ancient World
Hybrid World
Ghost Attack
Ancient Alien Agenda 3 DVD Set
Seattle's Loch Ness
Dark Watchers
Alien From Area 51
UFO Encounter of the Third Kind
Forbidden Knowledge
Ancient Astronauts V1
Dark Mirror of Magick
Paranormal Haunting
Secret Societies and Sacred Stones
Apocalypse 2012
Finding God
Aliens From Outerspace
UFO's Dont Exist!
Colin Wilson
UFOs 1973
Buddha Wild!
Harry Potter Seekers!
Bigfoot Is Real
Real Ghosts UK
The Occult by OH Krill
Alien Time Machine
Egypt Exposed
Rites of Magick
Magick of Solomon
A War to End All Wars
Beyond the Barbed Wire
The Initiation Of Alice In Wonderland
Freakhouse - No Way Down
The Philadelphia Experiment
Elementary My Dear Watson
The Billy Meier Story
Murder of Mary Magdalene
Legend of the Serpent
The Conspiracy to Rule the World
Lies and Deception
2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages
2012: An Awakening
The Rosslyn Frequency
Committing Poetry in Times of War
God Kings
Ancient Code
Archetype of the UFO
Reality is what you make it
Viking Serpent
Angels Demons Freemasons
UFO crash in Europe
Secret of the Serpent
The Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne
Diary of a Vampire
Wildman of Kentucky
HellBoy Sybreed
Dragons and Rings
Madness of Sherlock Holmes
Gateways to the Otherworld
Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon's Temple
Science of Soul
The Cross of Thoth
Secrets of the Serpent
Secret Societies
Ghost of the Brotherhood
Quantum Mind of God
Montauk Babies
Reality On The Web
Reality Entertainment


A War Over Reality

Title: A War Over Reality
Genre: Conspiracy, Social and Cultural, History, Human Interest
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A War Over Reality
For millennia mankind lived upon this planet without the need for electronic devices. No smart phones, tablets or gadgets running our homes. We knew about the cycles of nature and the balance of life. Now, we live in an artificially created dream state that controls every aspect of our lives. The majority of people in the world have no idea how to hunt and gather, how to heal themselves, build a shelter and even communicate without texting. Huge leaps in technological evolution have destroyed in one generation what thousands of generations developed. The threats we are facing in the very near future are immense. Criminals, terrorists and governments are only just the beginning. We will soon be facing the greatest threat ever known as we are feeding and nurturing the monster of our own destruction. Welcome to your future.

“The writing is on the wall, WAKE UP Sheeple!” – Extreme DVD

“Every element of society has been infiltrated, if not created, to control our every move” – Flatlands

“The Orwellian Apocalypse is truly upon us, this is REQUIRED viewing” – United Media Network

Reality Is What You Make It

A War Over Reality
Genre: Conspiracy, Social & Cultural, History, Human Interest
2019/Color/Full Screen/75 minutes plus Special Features
Catalog# RYE 1231
UPC: 760137222699
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!


Ancient Alien Origins: Science and Legend
Strange Secrets: Alien Artifacts, Cryptic Codes and End Times
Alien Chronicles: Antarctic Worlds Below
Alien Agenda: Into The Future
Forbidden Knowledge: Forgotten Cities Lost in Time
Abigail’s Castle: The Haunting of Featherstone Castle
Aliens and the New World Order: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Ancient Artifact Hunters
Ancient Origins: Extraordinary Evidence
Ancient Origins: Mankind's Mysterious Past
Paranormal UK: UFOs, Cryptids & Hauntings
Alien Chronicles: Invaders Among Us
Ancient Giants of North America
Alien Abduction: The Strangest UFO Case Files
Alien Agenda: Planet Earth: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Alien Enigmas: UFOs On The Moon
Contact with Aliens: Abductions, Conspiracy and Deception
Bible Secrets: The Ark, The Grail, End Times and Time Travel
Aliens, Atlantis and the Illuminati: The New America
Paranormal Egypt: Pharaohs, Pyramids and Ancient Science
Dark Ops Exposed: ET Bases, Bioweapons and Mutants
Gardiners World - The Alternative TV Show
AI-The Final Countdown
Mind Control Trilogy
Paranormal World: Aliens, UFOs, Cryptids and Ghostly Encounters
Alien Contact: Ancient Gods of Man
Alien Bases: Reptilians, Greys and Black Programs
Ancient Origins: Artifacts and Anomalies
Ancient Origins: Mysterious Lost Worlds
Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
Nostradamus: Future Revelations and Prophecy
Alien and UFO Encounters: The Top 20
Alien Paradox: Legacy of the UFO
Alien Outer Space: UFOs on the Moon and Beyond 
Top 25 Alien Encounters: UFO Case Files Exposed
Demonic Aliens: UFOs from Inner Space
UFO: Paranormal Overlords
Aliens at Loch Ness
Occult Secret of the Universe
Holy Grail: Secrets and Bloodlines
Bible Chronicles: Holy Relics and Artifacts
100 Seconds to Midnight: Doomsday Clock
Conspiracy Machine
Bible Chronicles: The Lost Knowledge
Serial Killer Psyche: The Horror Within
Forbidden Knowledge: Strange Lost Lands
Alien Chronicles: USOs and Underwater Alien Bases
UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Top Ten Mysteries of Outer Space
Shadow People: Out of Darkness
Alien Chronicles: Moon, Mars and Antarctica Anomalies
Forbidden Knowledge: Legends of Atlantis Exposed
Alien Chronicles: What the President Doesn't Know
Real Magick
Forbidden Knowledge: Alien Artifacts
USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss
Navigating the Chaos
Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts, and Ancient Mysteries
Forbidden Knowledge: Lost Secrets of Egypt and the Ancients
Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex
Witches: Masters of Time and Space
Alien Chronicles: Interdimensional UFOs
Alien Chronicles: Military UFO Encounters
Alien Encounters in Ancient Times
Megalodon: Great White Godfather
Anunnaki: Alien Gods from Nibiru
Stem Cell Revolution
Unlearning Hatred
Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth
Alien Artifacts: Pyramids, Monoliths and Marvels
Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix
End Game: Technology
Enigmas of the Ancient World
All The President's Aliens
Knights Templar: Clandestine Rulers
Top 20 Nazi War Secrets
Space: Into the Great Beyond
Alien Deception: The Biggest Lie in History
Atlantis:The Future of Mankind
Alien Agenda
Alien Colony Earth: Human Harvest
Secret Societies: Illuminati
Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions
Architecture of Oppression: Slave Planet Earth
Alien Worlds: Giants and Hybrids
Alien Ancestors: The Gods of Man
Bible Secrets: The Forbidden Codes
Secret Societies: Controlling the Masses
Alien Future
Alien Armageddon
American Illuminati: The Final Countdown
Alien Dominion: Majestic 12
Ancient World Aliens
Alien Chronicles: Top UFO Encounters
Secret Societies: Occult Power
Alien Origins: Beings of Light
Elusive: Bigfoot Abroad
Death Valley Aliens
Project Blue Book Exposed
Kingdom of Brunel
Alien Gods
Yes, They are Controlling our Minds
Bible Conspiracies 2
Alien Mummies of Peru
Robot Planet
Ancient World Exposed: Atlantis, Egypt, and Epic Monoliths
Empire Rise and Fall
Jumping Off
Nostradamus Future Tense
Alien Contact
Universal Law of Attraction
Area 51 Exposed
Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter
Bigfoot Girl
Cosmic Conspiracy
Aliens Down Under
Ancient World Exposed
Millennial Nation: The Lost Generation
Alien Artifacts: The Lost World
Transgender Nation
Legend of the Grail
Indistinguishable From Magic
Alien Moon
Secrets of the Ancient World
Aliens Exposed
Cannabis Evolution
God's Super Collider
Alien Psychosis
A War Over Reality
American Illuminati 2
Bigfoot Exists!-3 Pack
Alien Overlords
Social Media Apocalypse
Alien Messiah
Humanity Insanity
Bible Prophecies
Monsoon Tide
An Artificial Reality
Earth: Population Overload
Donkeys and Elephants
Aliens at the Pentagon
Living Forever
Sasquatch Hunters
Dark Forces: Shadow People
Aliens and Crop Circles
Alien Paranormal
Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters
Christmas Lights Across America
Alien Creatures from Beyond
Alien at Loch Ness
Forbidden Knowledge of The Lost Realms
2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages
Dark Watchers: The Women In Black
Paranormal Rosslyn Chapel
Paranormal Prisons
Phantom of the Opera
Ghost and Demon Children
Bigfoot in Europe
Ancient Astronauts: The Return of the Gods
Legacy of Jesus
Legend of Sasquatch
Forbidden Archeology
13th Child: Jersey Devil
Spiritual Awakening
Ghosts at Sea
A Ripper in Canada
Quartzite Arizona
A Christmas Carol
Dowsing Survival Guide
Blood Factor
Abominations of Humanity
Aliens and Atlantis
Tarot and Palm Reading
RU-486 – The Last Option
Aleister Crowley: Legend of the Beast
Foot Reflexology
An Exorcism of Evil
Epic War Stories
Ancient Alien Agenda - Area 51 Archives
America's Alien Invasion
Alien Abduction
Ancient Astronauts: Gods From Planet X
Secret Societies and Sacred Stones
Kundalini Awakened
Paranormal Occult
BIGFOOT IS REAL!: Sasquatch to the Abominable Snowman
Witchcraft: The Magick Rituals of the Coven
Angel Alien UFO Encounters
Alien Agenda
Strange Is Normal: The Amazing Life of Colin Wilson
The Lost Secret of Immortality
All American Horror
Legend of the Goatman
Energy Healing
New World Order
Death and Murder
Ghost Attack
UFOs 1973
Nightscape: Dark Reign of Thanatos
The Seekers Guide to Harry Potter DVD
Alien from Area 51
Exorcist Chronicles
The Rainbow Serpent
Alien Time Machine
Alien Crash At Roswell
Buddha Wild: The Monk In A Hut
Ancient Alien Question
Nostradamus and the End Times
The Magick of Solomon
Conspiracies of the Ancient World
1984: The New World Order
Hybrid World
The Da Vinci Code Exposed
Paranormal Haunting
Finding God: The Enlightenment
UFO's Do Not Exist!
Aliens From Outer Space
Egypt Exposed: The True Origins of Civilization
Robin Hood
The Initiation of Alice in Wonderland
The Billy Meier Story: UFO's and Prophecies from Outer Space
Walking Between Worlds Belonging to None
The Murder of Mary Magdalene
Lies and Deception: UFO's and the Secret Agenda
The Conspiracy to Rule the World: From 911 to the Illuminati
Order of the Alchemists
Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne
Diary of a Vampire
Wildman of Kentucky
2012: An Awakening
The Philadelphia Experiment
The Truth Injection
Europe's Roswell
Reality UFO Series Volume 2
The Rosslyn Frequency
Birds Of Norfolk
End of the World
English Royalty
10 GRAMS: Cocaine Wars
American Slice
God Kings - The Descendants of Jesus
Angels, Demons and Freemasons
Secrets Of The Serpent
Alien Origins by Lloyd Pye
Crop Circles - The Enigma
Ancient Code
Committing Poetry In Times of War
Tarot Stripped Bare
Archetype of the UFO
The Viking Serpent
The Madness of Sherlock Holmes
Bridging Heaven and Earth
Dark Knight of the Bat
Reality UFO Series Volume 1
The Spirit of the Serpent
The Spiritual World
The Real Bloodline
Secret Societies
Quantum Mind of God
Ghost of the Brotherhood
Forbidden Knowledge Conference UK 2006
Gnosis: The Secret Of Solomon's Temple Revealed
Nick Pope - The Man Who Left The MOD
The Ark, The Shroud and Mary
Inside The Freemasons
Legend of the Serpent
A War to End All Wars
Point of Regret
The Philadelphia Experiment Revealed
The Occult: The Truth Behind The Word
Beyond The Barbed Wire
Dark Mirror of Magick
UFO Encounter of the Third Kind
Gateways to the Otherworld
The Rites of Magick
Elementary My Dear Watson
Crossing Over
Science of Soul
The Cross of Thoth
Alien Agenda Planet Earth
Apocalypse 2012: The World After Time Ends
2020 Nostradamus
Life After Death
Alien Contact: NASA Exposed 2
Legacy of the Knights Templar
Discovering Bigfoot
God Is Alive
Real Vampires and Demons from Beyond
Forbidden Knowledge: From Giants to Atlantis
Decoding Hitler
Tesla: Born In Light
Angels and Demons Are Real
Alien Implant
Deadly Paranormal Encounters
3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs
Paranormal Encounters
Illuminati: The Grand Illusion
Bible Conspiracies
Aliens in Egypt
27 Alien Encounters
Agenda Illuminati
Real Monsters V2
FBI Criminal Files
Alien Contact: Nazi UFOs
Alien Global Threat
Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil
Real Monsters V1
Alien Contact: UFO Invaders
Alien Mind Control
Alien Crash Retrievals
Absolute Magick
Aliens and Pyramids
Alien Contact: NASA Exposed
All God’s Particles
Adolph Hitler's Great Escape
World’s Greatest Minds: Literary Geniuses
Robert Wise: American Filmmaker
Paranormal Ghost Hauntings
American Sasquatch Hunters
Haunted House
Paranormal Case Files
Ancient Astronauts: Our Extraterrestrial Legacy
Secret Societies and the Global Conspiracy 3 DVD Set
UFOs and Close Encounters 3 DVD Set
Freakhouse: No Way Down
Mysteries of the Ancient World
Knievel's quest: Bigfoot
Alchemy Series
Angels and Aliens Series
Jam Heavy Metal Guitar Series
Parallel Community
Keys to the Code
Dragons and Rings



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