Title: Alien Agenda: Planet Earth: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
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Alien Agenda: Planet Earth: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Renown experts delve into the stark reality of the Alien presence on Earth. Riveting case studies of Air Force and Naval Alien encounters, UFO crash retrievals, interactions with E.T.’s, suppressed Alien technology and more are explored suggesting a foreboding and spellbinding conclusion for the fate of Mankind.
“If you ever doubted the existence of Aliens and UFOs, watch this film.” – UFO Insider
“Fascinating insight into the greatest secret never told.” – OH Krill, author of “Montauk Babies
“We have had contact with Alien cultures.” – Astronaut, Dr. Brian O’Leary
Reality Is What You Make It
Alien Agenda: Planet Earth: The Cosmic Conspiracy
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
2023 / Color / Full Screen / 148 mins plus Special Features
Catalog#: RYE 1341
UPC: 810134940987
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!