Title: Alien Chronicles: Antarctic Worlds Below
Genre: Feature Documentary, Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, History, Science and Technology
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Alien Chronicles: Antarctic Worlds Below
1944’s Operation Highjump uncovered mind-blowing secrets of the mystifying continent of Antarctica, which until then had remained hidden from the rest of the world. Vegetation, exotic animals, a massive opening that led deep into the Earth and the most stunning account of all, a Kingdom beneath the surface inhabited by powerful Extraterrestrial beings monitoring Mankind’s evolution. The ramifications of their presence and other discoveries continue to influence our existence to this day.
“It’s clear that government and military factions have known about the Alien threat since the early 40s.” – Philip Gardiner, best-selling author
“If you ever doubted the existence of Aliens and UFOs, watch this film.” - UFO Insider
“We have had contact with Alien cultures.” - Astronaut Brian O’Leary
Reality Is What You Make It
Alien Chronicles: Antarctic Worlds Below
Genre: Feature Documentary, Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, History, Science and Technology
2024 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog#: RYE 1353
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!