Title: Alien Chronicles: Invaders Among Us
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
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Alien Chronicles: Invaders Among Us
Were we created by Aliens? From Hyper-dimensional Universes to Astral Realms, the parameters of our world have remained far beyond our comprehension, but with new technologies we can reach new understandings of our place in the Universe and accept our true beginnings – that we may be an engineered species by creators from an unknown World. Are we ourselves extraterrestrials? Breathtaking discoveries from the past and present redefine who we really are and reveal the impending outcome that will determine our fate.
“Government and military factions have known about the Alien threat since the early 40s.” – Starburst
“If you ever doubted the existence of Aliens and UFOs, watch this film.” – Awesome Mag
“We have had contact with Alien cultures.” – Astronaut, Dr. Brian O’Leary
Reality Is What You Make It
Alien Chronicles: Invaders Among Us
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
2023 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog#: RYE 1344
UPC: 810134941014
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!