Title: Alien Enigmas: UFOs On The Moon
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
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Alien Enigmas: UFOs On The Moon
We all wonder whether planet Earth has been visited by aliens, but what is happening on our moon might be even more incredible. From UFO sightings to oblong objects following the Apollo craft, strange spacecraft hovering over the lunar surface, markings that resemble landing strips, artificial structures, towers and domes suggest an alien presence has been using the moon as a base and means to closely monitor Humanity.
“Riveting expose, the people NEED to know.” – The UFO Insider
“Startling insight into the notoriously deceptive US military.” – Paranormal Magazine
“The shocking truth about the Alien Agenda is something that the people of Earth are not prepared for.” – Flatlands
Reality Is What You Make It
Alien Enigmas: UFOs On The Moon
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
2023 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog#: RYE 1340
UPC: 810134940642
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!