Title: Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
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Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
Aliens have been visiting planet Earth for millennia and our governments know all about it. Experts from the world of science and advanced Ufology expose how government factions may be dealing with Aliens on a daily basis. Technology is being diabolically utilized to create smokescreens to divert our attention from the stark reality that we are not alone. Thousands of sightings from across the world all point to one thing – the aliens are already here amongst us. Presenting clear and convincing evidence we discover that we are being constantly lied to and manipulated. That leaps in human technology have come about through contact with alien civilizations. It is time for our leaders to be honest with the people and reveal their secrets.
“Riveting testimony and eyewitness accounts from military officials” – Philip Gardiner, best selling author
“If you ever doubted the existence of Aliens and UFOs, watch this film” - UAP Insider
“We Are Not Alone.“ - Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar D. Mitchell
Reality Is What You Make It
Alien Planet Earth: We Are Not Alone
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
2023 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog# RYE 1332
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!