Title: Ancient Origins: Mankind’s Mysterious Past
Genre: Unexplained Mysteries, Forbidden Archaeology, History, Science and Technology
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Ancient Origins: Mankind’s Mysterious Past
Archaeologists generally regard Mesopotamia as “the beginning of civilization” but shocking new evidence that defies comprehension clearly suggests that highly advanced civilizations existed in pre history. With new advanced technology, archaeologists are now able to image undiscovered worlds before our own from above. The truth to mankind’s true origins is being rapidly revealed to be very different than what we’ve been told.
“Fascinating research and evidence of a lost epoch in history.” – Philip Gardiner, author of the Serpent Grail
“Highly entertaining and revealing.” – Phenomena Magazine
“Unveils the myths and puts the legend into perspective for the modern age.” – John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers, Shamans of the 21st Century
Reality Is What You Make It
Ancient Origins: Mankind’s Mysterious Past
Unexplained Mysteries, Forbidden Archaeology, History, Science and Technology
2022 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog# RYE 1310
UPC: 760137106098
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!