Title: Contact with Aliens: Abductions, Conspiracy and Deception
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
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Contact with Aliens: Abductions, Conspiracy and Deception
Thousands of people have experienced UFOs, many claiming to have made contact with extraterrestrial entities, some on an ongoing basis. With the gravity of our current awareness that visitors from other worlds or dimensions are interested in our planet, we must wonder how interested they might be in humankind as well.
“Startling research, the evidence is overwhelming.” – Flatlands
“Fascinating evidence that we are not alone!” –Philip Gardiner, best-selling author
“The shocking truth about the Alien Agenda is something that the masses are not prepared for.” – OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies
Reality Is What You Make It
Contact with Aliens: Abductions, Conspiracy and Deception
Genre: Aliens and UFOs, Paranormal, Supernatural, History, Science and Technology
2023 / Color / Full Screen / 70 mins plus Special Features
Catalog#: RYE 1339
UPC: 810134940635
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!