Title: Paranormal Haunting: Curse of the Blue Moon Inn
Genre: Horror, Supernatural, Suspense, Paranormal
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Paranormal Haunting: Curse of the Blue Moon Inn
High on the peak of the Moors stands the Blue Moon Inn, the home of Matthew Hopkins for as long as anybody cares to remember. Here is the place where once every century the moon appears to turn blue and all-manner of strange and terrifying events are unleashed upon the land. The time has come again and with it a small group of interested individuals. An astronomer, an astrologer and a documentary filmmaker all arrive unaware of the pure evil that will befall them. A nightmare unfolds upon each guest until the final shocking conclusion. Prepare for witchcraft, occult rituals and answers to age-old mysteries. Prepare yourselves for the Blue Moon Inn.
Reality Is What You Make It
Paranormal Haunting: Curse of the Blue Moon Inn
Genre: Horror, Supernatural, Suspense, Paranormal
2012 / Color / Full Screen / 75 mins plus Special Features
Catalog# RYE 1112
UPC – 86470164615
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!