Title: Real Monsters: Bigfoot, Goatman, Aliens, Humanoids and UFOs
Genre: Conspiracy, Alien/UFO, Paranormal
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Real Monsters: Bigfoot, Goatman, Aliens, Humanoids and UFOs
Scientists now admit it’s possible that unknown species are still lurking undiscovered in remote places around the world. More strange encounters and bizarre, often illogical, paranormal experiences are being reported than ever before. Credible eyewitnesses have reported seeing Bigfoot creatures getting into UFOs; aliens attacking a family in their farmhouse; robed figures materializing out of vortexes while UFOs hover overhead; horrifying screams emanating from inter-dimensional winged apparitions; swamp beasts that hypnotize those they encounter and more. Everyday people are not just encountering real monsters; they are having life altering experiences with strange paranormal and supernatural forces via mysterious beings as well as ghosts and spirits of the dead. Prepare to take a journey into the unexplained in this comprehensive multi DVD set.
“Mind bending, truth is stranger than fiction” – Extreme DVD
“Something amazing is happening with these fascinating encounters” – Flatlands
Reality Is What You Make It
RYE 1183
Running Time: 110 minutes plus Special Features
Genre: Unexplained Mysteries, Paranormal, Supernatural
UPC: 889290441294
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!