Title: Secret Societies and the Global Conspiracy 3 DVD Set
Genre: Conspiracy, History, Occult
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Secret Societies and the Global Conspiracy 3 DVD Set
Discover the Secret Origins of the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, The Bilderbergers, Serpent Cults, the Illuminati and MORE!
Secret Societies
Philip Gardiner has spent his life on a crusade uncovering the truth behind myths, legends and ancient mysteries. Author of the best selling books; Gnosis, the Secret of Solomons Temple Revealed and Secrets of the Serpent, the author now delves into another aspect of the human enigma with Secret Societies. In Secret Societies, Gardiner’s quest is to uncover truths and secrets of the world’s most powerful men in history. The journey takes him to dark places – sinister places that existed then and still exist today. Gardiner delves into a world that is formidably hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code.
Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy
Who runs the world? Is there a shadow world of powerful and elite men pulling the strings of our global society? If so, when did it originate and why? Angels, Demons and Freemasons explores the myths, folklore and legends of the world of secret societies and provides startling evidence for a true and all too real conspiracy that has been ongoing for centuries. Within every Religion and every State there lurks an underground stream controlling and manipulating those in power. Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups. Wars and revolutions were carefully planned and orchestrated by a Universal Brotherhood.
Order of the Alchemists, the Knights of Malta and Cagliostro
Almost everybody is now aware of the infamous history of the Knights Templar. But not everybody realizes that there was another Order from the same time and with the same roots. This Order still exists today and has incredible power. This film reveals the true history of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and in so doing, we discover occult and sinister forces at play.
Reality Is What You Make It
Secret Societies and the Global Conspiracy 3 DVD Set, 3 hours plus, 19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING! USD, RYE 1071