Title: Tarot Card and Palm Reading
Genre: Tarot, Palmistry, Spirituality, Occult
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Tarot Card and Palm Reading
Tarot Card and Palm Reading are ancient forms of divination used by mystics and occultists to gain insight into the mental and spiritual pathways and beyond. These readings are direct attempts to tap into heightened perceptive abilities to achieve a deeper meaning and uncover the hidden truths of existence. Enjoy a visual guide that covers everything you need to know to become a Tarot reader and introduces you to the ancient art of Palmistry. This presentation will assist you in tapping into your subconscious and using the clues in the cards and lines to develop your intuition, leading you to greater awareness and enlightenment. Tarot Card and Palmistry hold the keys to understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Special Features include detailed explanations for all 78 cards with additional bonus sections to help you heal broken relationships, assess your personal strengths and weaknesses, choose a more fulfilling life path and more.
Reality Is What You Make It
Title: Tarot Card and Palm Reading
Genre: Tarot, Palmistry, Spirituality, Occult
2014 / Color / Full Screen / 120 mins plus Special Features
Catalog# RYE 1159
UPC – 887936752599
19.95 MSRP or buy direct at a low price with FREE SHIPPING!